Present Age Ministries
Third Place Winner ($7,500)
Priceless Misc Award Winner ($10,000 in-kind)
The Sandbox Mara Campolumgo The Sandbox serves families of children with cancer and other life-altering illnesses by filling in the gaps of care financially and emotionally so the family can focus on healing.
The Arts Empowerment Project Natalie Frazier Allen The Arts Empowerment Project is a bridge connecting court-involved and at-risk youth with existing arts and enrichment programs in the Charlotte area.
R.I.C.’s Market Angela Gray Roots in the Community Market, a.k.a. R.I.C.’s Market, will be a nonprofit full-service grocer that will offer affordable, healthy, fresh foods where there is little or no access to it.
Queen City Mobile Market Barry Francois Queen City Mobile Market is a mobile farmers market building food equity by bringing fresh foods, convenience, and nutritional education to the Charlotte area.
Renewable Energy Transition Initiative (RETI) DeAndrea Newman Renewable Energy Transition Initiative (RETI) helps low income families sustainably eliminate more than 40% of their energy expenses, all while creating jobs in the community.
F3 Foundation Brendan Pierce The mission of F3 Foundation is to leverage the men of F3 to develop and strengthen male leadership in our community.
Charlotte Speech and Hearing Shannon Tucker Charlotte Speech and Hearing, the only nonprofit speech and hearing center in NC, provides a full-range of speech, language, and hearing services to everyone in need to maximize their quality of life.
Bottles N Bottoms Jolanda Washington Through collection drives and referral partnerships, Bottles N Bottoms helps families in need by providing the basic essentials of diapers and formula.
Behailu Academy Lori Krzeszewski Behailu Academy is an arts-based youth development program that implements a holistic approach to empower underserved teens to find their voices.