Promising Pages
Promising Pages Kristina Cruise Promising Pages is a revolutionary early literacy and self esteem program, collecting books that kids have outgrown and providing them to children in the area growing up with few, if any, books.
Promising Pages Kristina Cruise Promising Pages is a revolutionary early literacy and self esteem program, collecting books that kids have outgrown and providing them to children in the area growing up with few, if any, books.
Power 2 Give Laura Belcher, Former Executive Director is a “crowd funding” website that allows arts and cultural organizations to promote specific projects in need of funding and empowers donors to give directly to those projects.
Playing for Others Jen Band Through leadership development, working with children with disabilities, and exploring the arts, Playing for Others empowers teens to make a significant difference with their lives … for the rest of their lives.
Beds for Kids Daniel Fogarty Beds for Kids is a furniture bank with a mission to provide beds and other essential furniture to every child in need in Charlotte through the referrals from strategic partner agencies.